In the early 2000’s I spent to ton of time taking long exposures at night. I loved getting my film back and not knowing how the shots would turn out, the mystery of photography lived in the process of opening the shutter on my camera for 30 seconds at a time. I look for images that do this for me to this day. I still make long exposures, and I have added double exposures to this body of work. I always make the double exposures in my camera so that the images cannot be separated thereafter.
When I was in university I read about the history of photography. One piece of writing that really resonated with me was written by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. In his writing, he broke the elements of photography down into their simplest forms. Light, space and time. His writing inspired this series and served as a creative bounding box for me to play in and explore the themes he spoke about more.
The element of time is a central element in photography and in how we live our lives. These images represent the element of time.
© Neill Sturgess Photography.